Hibiki Ichikawa: I felt an incredible sense of Ikigai—as if I had truly found my calling.
Ikigai is a concept that is very much integral to Japanese culture. The word 'Ikigai' can be roughly translated to your 'reason for being', or purpose and is not confined to the ‘Venn Diagram’. More on its authentic definition can be explored here.
While Ikigai is essential to one's well-being, the true beauty is that it does not have a fixed equation and can change over time.
At Mogami, we would like to highlight this nuance with our 'Ikigai Spotlight Series'.
This month's featured guest is Hibiki Ichikawa of the Tsugaru Shamisen Akihiro Association (44), a Professional Shamisen Player based in London, UK.

Tell us your story.

What has been your personal journey with your Ikigai(s) or reason for being?
How does your life today reflect your authentic self and life priorities?

Can you walk us through a time in your life when you felt lost? What ideas or tools helped you overcome this period?
イギリスでのビザ取得、切り替え、永住権までの道のり。自分の演奏活動歴や受賞歴の纏め、英語テスト、life in the uk等の準備。2年程かけてじっくり準備して永住権を取得出来ました。
What would be your advice to anyone struggling to live a life of Ikigai?
What does being a Professional Shamisen Player mean to you?
Do you want to learn more?
You can follow and support Hibiki Ichikawa-san and his work below.
👤Hibiki Shamisen
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